getting out letters

in this course we'll learn how to get out Turkish alphabet,in other words we'll learn spelling to letters
we'll analyze letters one by one,thus we'll not face to a hardship when we read any article or text, without any loss of time why don't we get start to learn them

we said that getting out of vowels is very easy,we just open our mouth to create them,we don't use our tongue or teeth while creating them,we don't hit our lips each other
how we say

A/a:we are open our mouth and utter it as if we are surprised, as in Amerika
E/e:we are open our mouth half and utter it as if we'forgotten something and trying to remember,as in England, Edinburgh
O/o:we are doing our mouth round getting out voice as if we like something much
as in Overall,Omnia On the corner
Ö/ö:we are doing our mouth small round as in early, dj Ötzi
I/ı:we are open our mouth softly and enough getting it out from deep as if are ill,we have a hardship
as in Iraq,Iraqian
İ/i:it is very easy to get out it just as in easy,inside,inner
U/u:we are doing our mouth halh round again and get it out as in urlaub,und,book,boot
Ü/ü:we are doing our mouth small round,and get it out from tip as in über,
we have completed to narrate vowels,now we are going to observe consonant:
B/b: to get out this letter we hit our lips each other as in Ben affleck,bold,bit
C/c: to get out this letter we hit our tongue to back of buttom teeth as in gerund,giraffe,
Ç/ç: to get out this letter we hit our tongue to back of buttom teeth strongly as in chelsea,check
D/d: to get out this letter we make touch to upper our tongue as in denver,dance,delicious
F/f: to get out this letter we hit our down lip to our up teeth,we bit our bottom lip softly
as in France,finance,flirt,fit
G/g: to get out this letter we hit our lip to bottom of our teeth as in genetic,geld(mean money in german)
Ğ/ğ: we call its name as (soft g) as you understand from its name it is softer of G we get out it voice as if we are detesting something as in ugh! turkish examples; yağmur(rain) we get out its voice as if it is none..this letter never be in the beginning of a word it is been after the other consonants or in the end
H/h: it is very easy to get out it as in help,hector,happy
j/j: this letter rarely been in the beginning of a word we can get it out as in garage ,barrage
Turkish examples; jandarma,jilet,jeton
K/k: we hit our tongue to our bottom teeth back harder then to get out the letter (G) as in camel,carrot
L/l: we hit our tongue to upper part of our teeht and we get it out as in lemon, land,language,let
M/m: we combine our lips and open them suddenly just like baa we get it out as in hmm!, melody,marry
N/n: we touch to our tongue to our teeth upper part and we get it out as in network,nestea,narrow
P/p: we combine our lips harder then creating (M/B) we get it out as in pedal,pedestrian,peck
R/r: we curve our tongue from up to back, we touch it to palate as if we want to hear an engine loud
gettin out letter: as in rap,rarely,rest,red
S/s: it is the same voice when we perform imitation like a snake it allready looks like a snake figure :-))
getting out letter: generally in English the letter (C) corresponds to our (S) , as in september,set me free,settlement,send,cent,century
T/t: we get it out like we do (D) but harder, as in technology,template,telephone
V/v: we touch our lower lip to upper teeth, as in wet,west,wedding
Y/y: we touch tongue to backward to lower teeth as in oh yeah!,yes,
Z/z: it is the same voice bees are done Zzzz! as in zeppelin,equus zebra
at last we've finished narrating getting out letters,now we can read turkish words properly, because we know what is their voice
                                                                 A Turkish Song

and video narration of this part   

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